Vale Ken Richardson

Published: 28 Oct 2013

It is with much sadness that the MUA NT Branch announces to members of the passing of a great man, Ken Richardson.

Ken was a staunch member of the MUA working as a steward and living in Darwin.

"In the short time I knew him, he touched my heart and has left an everlasting impression," NT Branch Secretary 
Thomas Mayor said.

The MUA along with his loved ones will be holding a memorial service on November 1 at Stokes Hill Wharf from 

There will be a light lunch and drinks afterwards where we will celebrate the life of one of life's most humble and 
great men.

All members are invited to the service in honour of Ken Richardson. Vale comrade.

Read more about Ken Richardson and his previous basketballing legacy here


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney